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Educating and Empowering Writers Since 2010
               Because We All Have a Voice Children's Book Writers of Los Angeles
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SPEAKERS Welcome Here!

CBW-LA is a non-profit group for children’s book writers. Our members are mostly adult writers who are working towards getting published in the Children's Literature. 

If you are interested in applying as a speaker or teaching a workshop for our group, please fill out the form below:

CBW-LA Speaker Form

As a speaker, you can pick whatever writing topic you'd like to teach. To get an idea of what workshops we’ve offered in the past, and what workshops we are currently offering, you can go here.


CBW-LA is forever grateful to these amazing individuals who have shared their time and talent to inspire, educate, and empower aspiring authors.

Copyright © 2010–Present | Children's Book Writers of Los Angeles. (CBW–LA) | All rights reserved.

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